Friday, March 24, 2017

Bricks, Wells, Science & Library

Steel being set in place for the Science Classrooms.

Construction work is moving along nicely.  Few are aware of the fact that brickwork has begun. It is on the backside (east). Steel for science classrooms and the library are now being set in place.

Away from the immediate construction area the water well is being completed and another company has begun work on the geothermal well field for the new school building.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Construction Update & Photos

The chapel cross appears to rest on the new building as workers install precast on the east side of the building.

Construction So Far
As winter begins to fade construction on the David "D.J." Sokol Learning for Life building is heating up.  The roof on the 2 story section is nearing completion and soon the cement slab will be poured for the ground level of that part of the building. The steel structure for the new math rooms and computer labs is done and they are now framing some of the exterior walls and setting more precast in place. Before the end of the month brick work should begin.

Click on the blue print  "So Far" link to the right for a detailed look. Yellow is the 2 story construction. Red indicates the extent of steel structure completion for the single story section. The science rooms and library only have partial footings set in place at this time.  Construction Photos

Besides the building construction the new water well is being drilled. (see photos)

Peering through the commons and entrance looking west stands the chapel.